Strategic Communications Leader
20+ years’ experience guiding audience engagement, content and brand management.

As a former radio DJ and music journalist, music is a huge driving force in my life. I've recently resurrected my DJ and MC skills to host and entertain at local events in my community under the name "DJ Kosmik K".
In college, friends decided I would be their experiment for a Psychology class: They denied me access to music for 24 hours and said I began exhibiting symptoms of chemical addiction withdrawal.
Asking me to pick a favorite band is like asking me which of my children is my favorite. While I consider "Lazy Eye" by Silversun Pickups to be my favorite song and alternative rock to be my favorite genre, my tastes span everything from pop to classic rock to electronica to easy listening to '80s & '90s to Broadway showtunes.

I'm constantly in awe of the power of good stories. The ability of a well-told and well-constructed story to evoke an emotional response and envelop someone is everything.
I love reading and writing. Preferred reading genres include science fiction (especially time travel and alternate histories), non-fiction, business analysis and satire. I've written a few (unpublished) short stories, and I'm currently writing my first book.
Some examples of articles I've written at previous publications include:
"The Last DJ," a profile of Los Angeles radio DJ Jim Ladd
"The Tall Tale of the Most Powerful FM Stick," the second half of a two-part article on WHOM, the most powerful FM radio station in the U.S.
"The Best New Artist You Don’t Know You Know," a profile of singer Idina Menzel
"And Now, It’s Time For Green Thoughts," an article about how a Chicago radio station mounted an environmental-awareness campaign
I'm also very appreciative of well-produced podcasts and the impact they can have. Favorites include:​